XD I GOT TWO NEW BOOKS TO READ FROM THE LIBRARY AND I'M SO HAPPY!!!! They are: City of Thieves by David Benioff and When She Was Bad: Violent Women and the Myth of Innocence by Patricia Pearson.
I'm really excited for City of Thieves because first of all, it was RECOMMENDED to me by a TOTALLY AWESOME person. :D And secondly, it's HISTORICAL FICTION!!!! XD

I really really can't wait to read When She Was Bad because I hate how people always pass over the fact that WOMEN ARE DANGEROUS. AND THEY CAN BE REALLY EVIL. But this misconception of female innocence may be the reason they ARE so dangerous. A woman can kill people and then claim to be suffering from battered wife syndrome, a mother can scream at her son and then say it was PMS, women can rape, too, and society simply doesn't want to admit that their men are being battered by their own wives. This is what I believe in; "if women demand to be treated as men's equals in every other sphere of life, why should women be excused from taking responsibility for their less honorable actions?" So expect a review for at least one of these in the near future.
This is so weird Ellen but your new posts don't come up on that Blogger Buzz thing on my Dashboard... :( BUT I CHECK HERE EVERYDAY ANYWAY.