About Me- Or Rather, Not

"Notice: Persons attempting to find a motive in this narrative will be prosecuted; persons attempting to find a moral in it will be banished; persons attempting to find a plot in it will be shot." --Mark Twain, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Similarly, persons attempting to find a reason in this mindless babble will be taken note of and written down in my Death Note. Taking a leaf from my friend Natalia(a), I've decided NOT to write a simple narrative of my interests and hobbies. Instead, I stole someone's meme! :D (Not quite sure whose...) But I mean I didn't steal the WHOLE THING, just some of the questions from here and there...

  1. What time did you get up this morning? 6:30? Not sure, that was the first time I looked at the clock, though. So before. Obviously. 
  2. Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds.
  3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? ...You're gonna laugh, but Alvin and the Chipmunks: Shipwrecked
  4. What is your favorite TV show? I don't watch TV, actually. Yeah, I'm weird.
  5. What did you have for breakfast? French toast and sausage! And fresh squeezed orange juice! :D From FLORIDA oranges!
  6. What is your middle name? Xiaobing, not that that will help you track me down or anything... Oh, crap, maybe it will. Whatever. Despite Shakespeare's claim, there is quite a lot to be told by a name.
  7. What is your favorite cuisine? VE~! PASTA!!! XD
  8. What foods do you dislike? Cantaloupe. Mushrooms. Blueberries. Tomatoes. XP
  9. What is your favorite chip flavour? Original? 
  10. What is your favourite CD at the moment? Avril Lavigne's Goodbye Lullaby. <3 
  11. What kind of vehicle do you drive? A Trek bicycle. :P
  12. Favorite sandwich? Ham. <3
  13. What characteristics do you despise? Weakness. Snobbish selfishness. Shallowness. Dumb-ness.
  14. Favorite item of clothing? ...
  15. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? Not sure, actually. Can I go ALL OVER the world??
  16. What color is your bathroom? Pink and black, actually. But there's two bathrooms in my house and the other is blue and white.
  17. What color pants are you wearing? Blue jean.
  18. Where would you retire to? My house. A little suburban town just a few miles outside of a large city.
  19. Favorite time of the day? Dawn, dusk, morning, afternoon, night?
  20. What was your most memorable birthday? ...10th? Not sure.
  21. Where were you born? Gaoyou, China.
  22. What's the last thing you ate? Warm apple pie with vanilla ice cream. :D
  23. If you were a crayon, what color would you want to be? Black. It outlines everything, makes a difference.
  24. Favorite flower? Roses.
  25. What fabric detergent do you use? ...UH...
  26. Coke or Pepsi? Don't like either, but I'd have to choose Coke.
  27. Do you wish on stars? Sometimes. 
  28. What is your shoe size? Merp. ._.;; 4-5 women's/children's.
  29. Do you have any pets? 1 (black) cat, 1 (pink) goldfish.
  30. Last person you talked to on the phone? My mom.
  31. What did you want to be when you were little? For a while, I wanted to be a veterinarian, then a teacher, then when I realized I can't STAND little kids, a scientist. I think I'll stick with that for now. Or maybe something to do with law. :) But not a lawyer... Attorney, perhaps? 
  32. What are you meant to be doing now? Sleeping.
  33. What do you first notice about someone? What they're doing. What they look like. How they talk. I like to think, everything.
  34. Siblings? A little sister.
  35. What was your favorite toy as a child? Stuffed animals!
  36. Summer or winter? Winter. Maybe. I don't very much like extreme heat and humidity, and besides, my birthday's in winter!
  37. Hugs or Kisses? Kisses. They really mean something. Hugs sort of send mixed messages...
  38. Chocolate or vanilla? Vanilla ice cream. Dark chocolate.
  39. How old do you look? I'm not sure anymore- I've been told that I can look college age, and more than five people in stores have thought that I was an adult, but I honestly don't see it. So 16-18, maybe?
  40. Can you sleep in total darkness? Yes, and actually, I prefer it. Lights at night are eerie...
  41. Living arrangements? House. Suburbia.
  42. When was the last time you cried? Yesterday. *SHAME* Yeah, I cry more than I should.
  43. What is under your bed? A box.
  44. How many countries have you visited? Two, if traveling around the U.S. counts. China, too.
  45. In how many cities have you lived? Two, I guess. Gaoyou and where I live now.
  46. Favourite movie of all time? Book? Harry Potter movies. I can't choose! And Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Maybe. I <3 Draco.
  47. Mountains or beach? Beach! I love the beach. Fond childhood memories, but also I love the water and body-boarding. ^ ^
  48. The current friend you have known the longest? Um... Lydia, if she counts. She's my friend from dance. I've known her since we were 3 1/2. Out of my "best friend circle", Celine.
  49. Full names of your potential kids? No kids. No way. But if I somehow learn to tolerate them one day, I don't want to have to give birth to them, so I guess I'd adopt. I don't really care what their names are- so long as they're not completely stupid and embarrassing.
  50. Usual bedtime? Anywhere from 9:00-11:00 P.M.
  51. If you could live in any other time period, which would you pick? Hm... Not sure, really... I wouldn't really want to go back too far, but at the same time, the '90s were filled with war (World Wars, Cold War...) and unequal rights. So I actually really like the 21st century, but if I had to choose, I would say maybe ancient Greece or Rome. But under one of the "good" emperors, please.
  52. Which color do you wear most often? ...Black. And blue. Dark blue... But I swear, I'm not (totally) emo. 
  53. If you could stay one age forever, what age would you choose? If I could STAY one age or BE one age forever? If I could BE one age, I would probably pick 21 because then you're considered by society to be an adult, but still can retain some of your childhood innocence. You can drive, legally drink, and work. If I could STAY one age, I would stay 14 because that's the age when I really started to let go and get closer to my friends. At 14, you're just on the brink of teenager-hood and looking forward to the rest of your life.
  54. When you say “lol”, are you really laughing? Yes, actually. And I never really got that expression as you're usually laughing out loud when you think something's funny, so... I just put a "z' at the end and it becomes "lolz".
  55. If you could change one thing about the world we live in, what would it be?  I would decrease the world's population. I wouldn't like just kill people off- I would just have there be less people on earth. Or maybe less people born because that doesn't affect the people already alive... But in either case, it would solve our economy crisis as there would be less people to supply jobs to, help stop hunger and poverty issues as, again, there would be less mouths to feed and more jobs/money proportionally to go around, and improve the environment becuase there would be less people polluting and fewer products to be mass manufactured. 

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