RE: Celine On Bullying
This was my response to Celine's post on bullying on her blog. The reason I'm reposting it here is because it's actually pretty cohesive. And yeah, that is another [Honors] World History I reference...
"Popular means to be liked by many and possess qualities that others admire. But society (not just modern in society COUGHDAMNNOBLESCOUGH, so I don't think it will ever really go away- selfishness is one of those human qualities that is great for survival, but finds its downfall in intelligent beings) has a way of screwing with people's minds. Or maybe it's just the people's minds that are screwed up in the first place. People ("followers") are just too dumb and weak to make up their minds, so they just go along with whatever everyone else tells them to believe. Additionally, I think being "popular" as in being practically worshipped by the other kids because they don't know any better inflates people's egos, thus making them believe that they are the king/queen of the world. Because their "followers'" devotion shows it. But the thing about this is, they can't discern real from fake and irrelevant details from the things that really matter in life, so they're the ones who are losing in the long run."
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