1. I don't actually hate mascara. I just can't wear it myself for reasons you'll soon know.
2. I'm not allergic or anything. I don't even know why I have this aversion to it at all.
3. I've actually been intrigued by it since I was a little kid. It's one of those things that you look at as a young girl and you say "wow" and think that it will make you more grown up. But I feel that putting it on would be like betraying that younger me. ._.;; Yeah, shut up.
4. The question: Have you ever actually tried it? Yes. Well, sort of. But have you worn it IN PUBLIC? ...No. Actually, the only time I've ever actually worn mascara was when my cousin came over and decided to give me a "makeover". That was 3 years ago.
5. I actually bought a bottle this fall with every intent to use it. I haven't.
6. I think most of the problem is that I have a little sister and I don't want her to think that she should wear makeup. She's not even in middle school yet. And I'm just afraid that if I start wearing makeup on a daily basis, she'll jump at the first opportunity she has to do the same.
7. It's really awkward, I've noticed, to have your parents stare at you. They would most certainly stare at me if I suddenly decided I wanted to wear makeup.
8. I've been applying costume makeup since I was 4 for dance. Makeup will forever be associated for me with exercising. Also, it's itchy! D:
10. It looks really tedious to apply.
11. Washing it off would be bothersome.
12. Let's face it, I'm just lazy. *Oh, and, I rub my eyes a lot. Yup. ._.
There are more, but honestly, they're not important. Not to give the illusion that these ones are important... They're not. Honestly. I just felt like ranting. So now I'll apologize for wasting your time and not writing more book reviews. *bow* SORRYSORRYSORRY.
:) I have always been weirdly obsessed with eye-make up in general. As a little kid I I used to lock myself in my grandmother's bathroom and give myself makeovers. and mascara really isn't tedious. as for having your parents stare at you... try having your [my] obnoxious little sister call you [me] a raccoon. hah.