Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 has been nominated for 3 Oscars.
Best Achievement in Art Direction: Up against War Horse, Hugo, Midnight in Paris, The Artist
Best Achievement in Makeup: Up against Albert Nobbs, The Iron Lady
Best Achievement in Visual Effects: Up against Hugo, Real Steel, Rise of the Planet of the Apes, Transformers: Dark of the Moon

I really think the film deserves an Oscar. The franchise has been around for 10 years, but has never won one. Personally, I think it has the best shot at Visual Effects; they really were brilliant. However, I think it also might win Makeup. I haven't seen either of the other movies, but by looking at the pictures, they don't look all that spectacular. (Notice, they're both about women existing in a man's world.) There seems to be far more potential for amazing makeup in Harry Potter, what with all the different creatures and huge quantities of significant extras.

Going back to Visual Effects, I didn't think the effects in Transformers and Real Steel to be all that superior; they were pretty much your normal talking, moving robot destruction movies. They weren't anything special. Hugo looked okay, but I didn't want to see it because it wasn't as visually aesthetic as the book, which I really liked. (Yeah, so... Yeah. I thought it looked ugly, basically. So I don't think that should win in Art Direction, either.) Plus, they screwed with the plot. XP Rise of the Planet of the Apes had excellent effects, though, what with all of the apes and, again, destruction. Still, I think Harry Potter was much better than even that. The spells and dark scenes and crumbling castle give simply so much more to expand on.
BUT: For the Critics' Choice Awards in mid-January, Rise of the Planet of the Apes won for Visual Effects, Hugo won for Art Direction, and Harry Potter won for Makeup. Additionally, Hugo has won a bunch of of Best Film and Best Art Direction titles, Planet of the Apes has been nominated/has won for mostly Visual Effects and Supporting Actor, and Harry Potter has been nominated/has won for most categories.

I'm a bit annoyed that it didn't get nominated for more; I think it deserved better. I think especially that Alan Rickman should have been up for Supporting Actor, but I haven't seen any of the other movies. I am also fairly against Hugo, so I don't think it should have beat Harry Potter for a Best Picture nomination, but it's not up to me. Regardless, I will always list all of the Harry Potter films as my favorites. <3
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