First, there's the central corridor that everybody has to use to get to class, whether they like it or not.
Then, there's the side streets that branch off this main hallway which lead to the specific classrooms. These are sort of like exits. So like to get to the science wing, you have to take a different exit than you would to get to the foreign language wing. These are often quite difficult to get out of, especially right after the bell rings, when everyone is trying to get to their next class at the same time. However, usually, by the time you get to the exit you need to take to get to your next class, the traffic has thinned and you're able to cross without much trouble.
Additionally, staircases are similar to ramps, getting you from one main hallway to another. What's especially bothersome is when many people are trying to use these staircases at the same time, which normally results in person-to-backpack traffic in both directions.
That's another thing- it's quite horrible when people try to walk in the wrong direction in hallways. You always walk on your right-hand side, except when your classroom is on the left-hand side, at which point you walk along the wall on the left until you come to the main hallway. When entering the central hallway, you follow much the same rules as you would if you were driving. Four-way intersections seem to work in that the main traffic continues and the incoming students have to make their way into the stream. Left-hand turns, of course, are quite difficult. Which is why you should, generally, either try to avoid them or get to the main hallways either before or after the rest of the school.
No joke this seriously describes the hallways so well. Nice. I think it's so funny. It's like, a whole process and there's even like, rules to with it like HAHA.