Hey, this just randomly popped into my head this morning, and it's been bothering me all day (even through my midterms!!! So distracting!) so just bear with me here. I read an article or something a while ago about what girls will do to get guys. And according to the author, most girls "dumb themselves down" to make their boyfriends feel superior? Like, I don't get itttttt.....**
But all thoughts of feminism aside, because quite honestly, I am NOT a feminist, but that's another post, this simply doesn't make sense. We live in a highly intellect-based world. No one is going to tolerate a leader who can't do simple mathematical calculations or who doesn't understand the history of the world or who can see Russia from her house. I'm kidding. I'm not anti-Palin. But I will agree that she probably wouldn't have made a very good vice president or president. But that's actually an excellent example, Ellen. Very intelligent of you.* (Of course, it's debatable whether that's a good thing or not. After all, what if it means you can't find a husband???) Anyways, during the 2008 presidential campaign, people were complaining about how "dumb" Sarah Palin was and how they didn't want her becoming president if McCain had another heart attack or whatever. It's evident from this that being stupid is not viewed as a good thing by our society. So can you imagine people, young, intelligent girls, purposely making themselves seem dumber and worse, people liking them more for it? (Obviously, they weren't very smart in the first place to want to do that... Don't be mean, Ellen.*)
I can see why people, especially young boys, would want to feel smarter than their girlfriends. Being smarter than people... It's an amazing feeling. Like you have all the power in the world. Like everyone else is just a serf to your lord. (And this is why you have no friends. You're not only full of it, you also make horrible history jokes. ...Oh, that wasn't a joke? ...OH... UM. ACTUALLY, I HAVE SOMEWHERE ELSE TO BE? LIKE I NEED TO BE, IDK, NOT HERE? HEH... BYE.*) *cough* Yeah, I'm done talking to myself now. You can come out of hiding... But I can totally understand why guys want their girlfriends to be less smart than them. Why smart girls give in to this demand, though, I have no idea.
To anyone who has thought of doing this, NO ONE who really likes you will like you any less if you're smarter than them. If they're really worth your time, they'll respect you and try to learn as much as they can from you. ESPECIALLY if they're your boyfriend. And if you're really serious about them, serious enough to think about changing yourself for them, then wouldn't you rather them get to know you rather than some dumber, less interesting airhead you've made yourself out to be?
*It would seem that, ahem, other parts of my brain were also fried (or perhaps baked) during my midterm...
**Also: Don't mind all the emphasis on seemingly random words. This is just how I talk when my brain isn't functioning properly. At least I don't do the Emma Watson eyebrow thing, too... D:< Or do I? Well it's not like it's a horribly bad thing... Actually... D:> Yep. I think I do. And there's your proof. D:) MEH. (*cough* Please ignore me.)
***Heh. Ironically, I found this quote after I wrote this.
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