I'm really sorry for the lack of posts over the past few days. It's not even as if I was doing something productive (like homework, which I SHOULD be doing right now)... I've come to the conclusion that I need to DO something. I really don't care what, just something. *sigh*

Example: For these three days, I've been basically sitting around collecting piles and piles of super long Harry Potter fanfictions (all Dramione, obviously), 15 of which I haven't even read yet. And though this is quite enjoyable, it's also sort of pathetic. Or at least I think so. So I've been browsing through the Harry Potter Fanfiction Challenges forum over on Fanfiction.net, and I have decided to challenge myself. Unfortunately, I just remembered a challenge I had agreed to write two months ago which is due at the start of the new year, as well. So now I have a half written challenge due in 3 days (and if I don't complete it, I think I'll cry, so I HAVE to write it) and another challenge that I've promised myself I'll finish and still more than 2/3 of my drabble collection to finish (although I DO have 30...). TT^TT Thankfully, yesterday (when I suddenly remembered my story that I needed to write), I momentarily overcame my 3-year-long Writer's Block and was able to actually write the half of my fanfic that I now have done... Now, though, I have no idea what to write. ._.;; So... Meh. See you when I emerge from my den of self-pity...
I'm kidding. Somewhat. Going back to what I said before about actually DOING something, I have already decided that I am going to learn how to sew this summer. Yeah, I know, the summer is pretty far away, but still. I'm going to learn how to sew because my mom knows how to and has offered to teach me and I absolutely hate most of the styles that seem to be in fashion right now (GAH, STRIPES! D:>). Also, I WILL participate in NaNoWriMo next fall. And THIS NEW YEAR, I am going to make an effort to record every single book I read and count them. Plus, I still have this blog. Which I WILL update more often. (No, I'm serious.)
awesomeee!!!omg. i think like, ur graph is like hilarious. im making something like that for my blog too. good idea. DONT MIND IF I BORROW (STEAL) IT THANKS. ellen ur hilarious. and im srry... i love stripes.